Sunday, August 18, 2013

A little Paint goes a long way.

DAY 3 and 4

A little dizzy and flustered trying to get it done fast and right.  It is really amazing what a little paint can do to a space.  Our house is starting to look like a home.  We are trying to make decisions about our amazing floors (insert sarcasm), will let you know how it goes.


1.  Paint the ceilings, then the walls then the trim.  Allways paint the outside edge of the moulding the wall color.  It makes it very easy and also looks so much more beautiful when it is finished.  ( A little tip from my awesome uncle who drove from New Jersey to help us.  He owns a painting company! )


Guest room

Guest room


2. Wet paint is easy to wipe up.  Drop cloth is a nightmare. So is tape.  Keep a rag handy and forget the expenses on both.

3. Ladders can go on steps.  That hallway 16 feet high was not impossible.

Amazing find at local ReStore (Habitat for Humanities) !

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