Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time....gets away from you

Time really does get away from you when you do not have internet...but I will share that experience later. For now, back to the first week after closing.  Everything is a blur from lack of sleep, sweat and tears. Here is progress from day 5, 6 or 7?  Who knows.

Living room painted and part of the dinning room shown in this picture.  SO MUCH better!

LOOK what we found!  1921 hardwood floors!  Never stained, never sealed. (Guest Room) 

Everyone thinks we're crazy but we chose to sand this floors by hand because we did not want to remove too much material from the floor and we love a used old floor look. We ended up settling on an orbital palm sander. It worked great for removing just the bits of paint and dirt on the surface. (Master Bedroom)

So this one day will be my art studio.  Right now it is the carpet holding center until we can get to the dump.

Boiled Linseed oil application after sanding. They dried a bit lighter but have a beautiful color.  (Master Bedroom)

Time to move in!  Our Bedroom is finished!